图像处理软件 Paint.NET v5.0.11


Paint.NET是一个图像和照片处理软件,它由华盛顿州立大学的学生开发和维护并由微软公司提供项目指导,早期定位于MS Paint的免费替代软件,现在逐渐发展为一个功能强大且易用的的图像和照片处理软件,支持图层,无限制的历史记录,特效,和许多实用工具,并且开放源代码和完全免费,界面看起来有点像Photoshop。该软件的开发语言是C#。

v5.0.11 (2023-10-11)
• Fixed: If an image file (such as .png or .jpg) is actually a WebP image, the WebPFileType will be used for loading instead of WIC’s WebP codec (which doesn’t work correctly)
• Fixed a crash when undoing brush strokes
• Fixed a rare crash in the updater UI when exiting the app
• Fixed a crash that was preventing CodeLab’s UI Preview functionality from working
• Updated the bundled DdsFileTypePlus plugin to v1.12.8.0. It now supports DDS files from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, and has fixed BC5 Signed saving (thanks @null54!)
v4.3.12 (2022-08-20)
• Fixed a bug when using Crop to Selection where the image would scroll away to the corner
• Fixed a rendering bug in the brush tools that would cause some sections of the brush stroke to be rendered twice, making them darker
• Added the PdnBaseForm.IsAppThemeDark property so that plugins with custom UI can more easily be dark theme aware
• Fixed a rare crash in the rendering engine due to a race condition
• Fixed a crash when using multiple monitors plugged into multiple GPUs from different manufacturers (e.g. AMD vs. NVIDIA), while moving the window between monitors (NotCurrentlyAvailableException)
• Updated the bundled WebPFileType plugin to v1.3.14.0 (thanks @null54!). See its GitHub releases page for more info.
• Updated the bundled AvifFileType to v1.1.20.0 (thanks @null54!). See its GitHub releases page for more info.
v3.5.11 (2013-08-17)
• Fixed: The Gaussian Blur effect was incorrectly calculating alpha values for non-opaque pixels.
• Improved performance of the Sharpen effect by about 25%
• Improved performance of the Median effect by about 30%
• Improved performance of the Fragment effect by about 40%
• Improved performance of the Unfocus effect by about 100%
• Reduced memory usage when many selection manipulation operations are in the history/undo stack (the undo data is now saved to disk)
• The built-in updater now supports upgrading to paint.net 4.0 (when it’s available)

Paint.NET v5.0.11 for Windows 10 v1809+/11, or Windows Server 2019/2022
Paint.NET v4.3.12 for Windows 7/8.1/10/11

Paint.net 4 仅适用于 Windows 操作系统,至少需要 Windows 7 SP1。

Paint.NET v4.3.x 将是适用于 Windows 7、Windows 8.1 或任何 32 位/x86 版本的最后一个版本。
从 Paint.NET v4.4 开始,仅支持 Windows 10 和 11+,并且仅支持 64 位(x64 和 ARM64)。
Paint.NET v3.5.11 for Windows XP




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