EditPlus 是一个著名的代码文本编辑器。目前网上有其他人翻译的版本,但均存在零星的翻译错误。为此,我重新汉化了 EditPlus 的界面。
注:某些字符串在汉化后将导致 EditPlus 无法正常工作,所以只好保留原始英文不翻译。敬请谅解。

v5.7 Build 4566 (2023-11-09)
– Fixes an issue with ctags feature where ‘Go to Definition’ could fail sometimes.
– Fixes a program crash when trying to re-open file from deleted FTP account.
– Fixes an issue where screen update could be incorrect when selecting right-to-left text.
– Playback Recording now delays screen update until playback stops.
– Fixes an issue where automatic update of matching tag didn’t work on closing tags.
– Output Window now shows a close button.
– Fixes “Server refused to open a channel” error message on some sftp servers.
– Fixes “Could not create K value” sftp error message on Win 8.1 machines.
– Fixes php auto completion error for ‘else’.
– Fixes an issue where keystroke recordings in Hangul couldn’t be saved correctly between sessions.
– Supports EditPlus menu item in the Windows 11 right mouse button.
– Fixes a incremental search issue on the Directory Window.
– Fixes an issue where ‘External browser – Firefox’ option didn’t work.
– Fixes an issue where starting the program on non-admin account could cause crash.
– Fixes a word highlighting issue when using Hangul IME input.
– Fixes an issue where upload by dropping file on directory window could affect base local directory option.
– Fixes an issue where downloading large file from sftp could cause ‘Socket is not ready for use’ error.
– sftp supports ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 host key algorithm.
– Fixes excessive slow down when deleting large column selections.
– Fixes duplicated EditPlus icons in the extended context menu on Windows 11.

4、包含 Liangjh 的 Tips.txt 文件,新增了 python 等语法着色模板文件。

百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zbUmN6jWcM62yRxKhJMpvA 密码:hhhh
蓝奏云盘:https://www.lanzoui.com/b04aklmad 提取码:1n07
注意:5.0 版本不支持WinXP,支持Windows7及更高版!

EditPlus 5.x 在线激活注册信息




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